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Sponsored by: In memory of Jacob and Beatrice Weiner

Children and Family Programming

Cookie Minyan

Cookie Minyan, for our youngest members, meets in Rose Park (on 27th and N Street) or on the lower floor of the Bayit at 10:30am on most Shabbatot and chagim, depending on the weather. It is geared toward 0-3 year olds and includes, songs, stories, games and free play time. Of course, there is also a cookie at the end for all participants!

Shabbat Club and Junior Minyan

Shabbat Club (ages 3-6) and Junior Minyan (ages 7 and above), also take place most Shabbatot and chagim, in the Bayit. These groups are "junior congregations" that focus on prayer skills and the weekly Torah portion. The programs begin at 10:30am. 

Junior Minyan is the stepping stone bridging learning prayers and being able to daven in the main minyan. It meets on the second floor of the Bayit, every other week.

For more information on children's activities, email our children's programming coordinators.

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785