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Mishloach Manot Campaign 2024


Once again Adar is here, time for a laugh and for a cheer

Against all odds our people won, so now it’s time to have some fun 

We will spin our groggers round and round, blotting out Haman’s name with our sound

Gifts to the poor, baskets to our friends, and celebrate ‘til our knowledge ends

Once again Kesher Israel is sending a note -- won’t you have us assemble your Mishloach Manot?

While your order won’t fulfill your Mitzvah obligation, it will foster community in our congregation

We thank you in advance for your donation, and look forward to your participation.

Here's how it works! 
  • Sign up to participate in this year's Mishloach Manot campaign. Member or non-member, everyone is invited to participate in this communal program.
  • Everyone who contributes - and each Kesher Israel member household - can pick up fresh Hamentashen from Sunflower bakery at Kesher on Purim night and Purim day. All participants will be recognized and publicized!
  • Please note that participation in this program does not fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot.
7 sponsorship levels are available:
  • $36 - Young Professionals (age 28 or younger, please!)
  • $80 - Purim Shpielers
  • $180 - Supporter of Mordechai
  • $360 - Friend of Queen Esther
  • $540 - Patron of Shushan
  • $1,080 - Benefactor of Paras U'Madai
  • $3,600 - Shushan Parade Grand Marshal
Please sign up by Wednesday, March 20th at 12:00 PM!


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785