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Thank you to our Mishloach Manot Campaign sponsors!

Mitzvot of Purim

Mishloach Manot  Drive 

Contribute to the Kesher Israel Mishloach Manot campaign. All members receive Hamentashen over Purim and you could be recognized for making it happen!

Click here to for more info and to sign up!

Megillah Reading

See below for the schedule of readings both on Erev Purim and Purim day.

Purim Reference Material

OU Purim and its Mitzvot

Matanot L'Evyonim

100% of funds raised go to support needy recipients both in Israel and in our local community. Contribute through Kesher by Purim day to participate.

Click here to give to Matanot L'Evyonim through Kesher!

You can also join us on Purim Day at 11:00 am at Kesher to pack food gifts for those in need.  More information available here. 

Purim Seudah

Join us for our annual community Purim Seudah on Sunday, March 23rd. Register now!

Purim Programming @ Kesher

Kesher Israel + Rosh Pinah Present: VenahafochWHO?! A Purim Celebration (YP Party)
Saturday, March 23, 10:00 PM, Proper 21 K

Purim Food Packing
Sunday, March 24, 11:00 AM at Kesher Israel 

Kesher Kids Megillah Reading
Sunday, March 24, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM at Kesher Israel

The Annual Kesher Israel Purim Seudah
Sunday, March 24, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ,  1255 25th St NW

Full Purim Schedule

Thursday, March 21 - Taanit Esther

  • 5:50 am: Fast begins
  • 7:00 am: Shacharit
  • 6:50 pm: Mincha/Maariv(Kesher Main Sanctuary)
  • 7:51 pm: Fast ends 

Friday, March 22 - Erev Shabbat

  • 7:15 am: Shacharit
  • 7:04 pm: Candle Lighting
  • 7:05 pm: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv

Shabbat, March 23  - Shabbat, Erev Purim 

Sunday, March 24  - Purim Day

  • 8:00 am: Children & Families Megillah Reading in the Social Hall
  • 8:30 am: Shacharit with Megillah Reading in Kesher Main Sanctuary
  • 10:15 am: Women's Megillah Reading (Kesher Main Sanctuary)
    • The women's megillah reading is sponsored by friends of Sheri Adler and Didi Saiman L’iluy Nishmat Lianna Saiman z”l ליענה תקוה בת ידידיה ז״ל
  • 4:00 PM: Late Megillah 
  • 4:30 pm: Mincha
  • 8:30 pm: Maariv (Kesher Main Sanctuary)

Purim Chesed Opportunities

Support important charitable organizations by sending a Purim Card!
Purim is a wonderful opportunity to support Jewish organizations by sending cards to out-of-town family and friends in lieu of Mishloach Manot. Consider ordering Purim cards from one of the following organizations:

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784